- Printed in the U.S.A. on canvas with archival ink
- 16 X 20 inch patent print
This fun golf tee patent, stylishly printed on canvas with archival ink, is a perfect "setup" for your office, home, clubhouse, or game room. It has been restored and digitally enhanced while maintaining the integrity of the original document
"Be it known that I, GEORGE F. GRANT, of Boston, county of Suffolk, State of Massachusetts, have invented an Improvement in Golf-Tees, of which the following description, in connection with the accompanying drawings, is a specification, like letters on the drawings representing like parts. This invention has for its object the production of a simple, cheap, and effective tee for use in the game of golf, obviating the use of the usual conical mounds of sand or similar material formed by the fingers of the player on which the ball is supported when driving off."
The patent act of 1790 established the rules for submitting a patent application. Each application had to be submitted with specifications, a patent drawing, and if possible a model of the invention. Eventually, models were no longer required.
The National Archives holds nearly three million patent case files from 1836-1956.